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Being a Single Woman Isn't easy even in this Century!

I am not kidding! People think single women have a lot of options and the star is the limit for them. Well, they are defining the professional achievements, but when it comes to day-to-day and personal life it's a whole lot of different story. Numerous single women around the world make the choice of living alone, away from their family, in a hope of having their space and independence. Many of them decides not to get married because they have lost their faith and courage due to a bad experience, or they haven't found a worthy companion. For many of them, it's a forceful choice for the betterment, and they don't talk about it because such women don't often talk about their deep-routed issues with just about anyone. Plus, the society's look at them makes it difficult for them to open up because the last thing they want is someone taking advantage of their vulnerability or weak spot.  I often get the privilege to meet such women, and it's feels motivating and
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Break the Cycle by Shifting mindsets

Men and women are raised differently in India. Indians have different perspectives, mindsets, rules, boundaries, societal pressure, values, and teaching for both genders. There is no denying this fact because we have seen a clear difference from the early days of childhood. No, I don’t mean to play a victim card being a woman nor do I want to criticize age-old mentality. But I feel it’s high time everyone realized that everyone has a role to play in society and the blame game doesn't work when we talk about growth or betterment.  “It’s easy to raise boys, It’s the girls we need to be careful around.” I have heard this dialogue multiple times since I was a teenager. I was never able to understand what they meant by indicating one gender grows up with effortless parenting and another demands optimal parenting. It was many years later that I realized society has given superiority to the male gender because boys don’t leave their homes after marriage, cannot bear a child, and do not ha

The Forgotten Art of Conversation

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Why on Earth would You want My Opinion?

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Hello there, Stranger! Did You Miss Me?

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An Update From The Queen

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I am going to Zip it because unfolding a drama is more interesting!

There is one thing that I strongly disagree with my therapist is the concept of love. She is a hopeless Romantic and believes in lovey-dovey things, and I don't buy it. Oh yes, I decided to take therapy for a reasonable amount of time because fighting my demons alone was becoming too much for me.  Well, back to the topic. According to her, a major part of one’s heart belongs to the partner. She literally drew and explained it to me during a session. Surprisingly, there was no room for her in those sections of the heart and it baffled me the most. I decided not to ask or point it out to date because that’s her perception and I don’t want to rob her of her thoughts. She had different battles than me, so it kind of makes sense why someone would choose to sell the idea of love. That’s how I felt every time she spoke about love. It was almost as if I was listening to a romantic movie narration.  However, I am learning how to not comment and share my mind in a situation where it will que