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Showing posts from December, 2023

Oh, please!!! For your sake, normalize breakfast dates!!!

No, I am not a morning person! I haven't read Robin Sharma's book, The 5 AM club, YET! I am not trying to sell an idea, nor I am trying to convince you to get up early. I just happened to like breakfast, it's the best meal of the day. On a normal day, I wouldn't miss breakfast for anything. I do enjoy quiet time during my first meal, but time to time, I do like to incorporate somebody for a chat or two. The idea of a breakfast date has always fascinated me. There is a breath of fresh air, new sun and a new hope of a new day. It's amazing how waking up early in the morning changes the course of your day.  At first, it might sound a lot of hard work, but there is nothing like spending quality time in the morning. My experience says, breakfast meetings bring no predominant effect, as everyone is in a fresh mood. In a normal scenario, no one would put an extra effort to pretend to be someone else - They just are themselves. You can dazzle up for dinner and add-on extra

Indian Parents Are Ignorant & Selfish - But Whose ready to tell them?

The Bhagavat Gita emphasizes that to attain moksha, children must care of their parents. Sharvan Kumar's tale stands out in ancient Hindu texts as an exceptional example. On the contrary, ignoring parental care will account for bad karma. It seems conditional, doesn't it? Sometimes, I wonder about invalidated values our ancestors passed down. Well, they didn't understand toxic parents, unhealthy parental love, helicopter parenting and generational trauma because those concepts were still evolving!  Such ignorant attitude leads Indian parents to think they own their kids, expecting them to take care of them(parents) once they're become incapable. What I admire the most about the West is the balance of freedom and responsibility they instil in children from birth. They provide enough closeness for children to feel loved, yet enough distance for individual growth. The concept of 'Empty Nest' allows both parents and children to achieve enough space to bond with each