Oh, please!!! For your sake, normalize breakfast dates!!!

No, I am not a morning person! I haven't read Robin Sharma's book, The 5 AM club, YET! I am not trying to sell an idea, nor I am trying to convince you to get up early. I just happened to like breakfast, it's the best meal of the day. On a normal day, I wouldn't miss breakfast for anything. I do enjoy quiet time during my first meal, but time to time, I do like to incorporate somebody for a chat or two. The idea of a breakfast date has always fascinated me. There is a breath of fresh air, new sun and a new hope of a new day. It's amazing how waking up early in the morning changes the course of your day. 

At first, it might sound a lot of hard work, but there is nothing like spending quality time in the morning. My experience says, breakfast meetings bring no predominant effect, as everyone is in a fresh mood. In a normal scenario, no one would put an extra effort to pretend to be someone else - They just are themselves. You can dazzle up for dinner and add-on extra kilos of make up, but breakfasts carries modesty. 

Also, I believe food plays a major role in the outcome of the date. The breakfast menu is simple, healthy and filled with nutrition. Good food gives good thoughts. Imagine your loved one making an effort to cook the first meal for you; it brings a sense of gratitude for the presence of the person. Even if it's not a home-cooked meal, it makes us feel blessed to have a plate full of delicious food in front us. 

What I like the most about the breakfast date is the rawness in conversation. There is no place for artificial layer in a limited window time. People seem to be more real, direct and considerable during breakfast dates because it feels too much to carry on a lie in the morning. After a good night of sleep, no one is in the mood to entertain nonsense, let alone creating one. It creates an intimate connection with someone and leaves a lasting impression. Such conversational dates open the possibility of something stable and natural. 

In my opinion, relaxed atmosphere, time efficiency, a fresh start, healthier choices and less pressure are some of the top-most perks of breakfast dates. Moreover, morning dates encourage affirmation and positivity in a form of new activity outside the routine. From the smallest activity like sunrise stroll to major changes like mountain hike, everything seems possible in the morning. We tend to be more welcoming to new ideas and challenges as compare to evening dates. Make sure to choose a comfortable PJ. 

I am not saying you will meet the best people if you go on breakfast dates. I guess it filters out people who are clear if they want to put effort into knowing you. Not everyone gets ready in the morning to have a nice first meal with you; some just wants to have a good time and leave - the same goes for you! So I say, oh, please! For your sake, normalize breakfast date!!

Until the next tine, enjoy your breakfast! 

The Queen of Random Things


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