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Showing posts from July, 2023

Have You Hit Your 'Age of Stagnation'?

Netflix includes one of the amazing American adult animated black comedy-drama television series, BoJack Horseman. It did earn the limelight when it was newly broadcasted. It's not everyone's cup of tea so don't just go ahead and watch it because it's heavy. Even though it is an animated series it presents hardcore real-life issues in an organized way.  While watching it I came across a term called 'Age of Stagnation'. It's a wonderful concept.  Kelsey Jannings, a character from the animated series explains it in simple words.  However, the one that I am talking about is not related to the economy but to humans. After that, I came across a beautiful blog on  Avoiding the Age of Stagnation  (I have attached a link if you want to give it a go!) and the writer has interestingly explained the point of view.     To my surprise, there are a couple of people in my life who have reached their age of stagnation because either their partners have accepted them for who