Have You Hit Your 'Age of Stagnation'?

Netflix includes one of the amazing American adult animated black comedy-drama television series, BoJack Horseman. It did earn the limelight when it was newly broadcasted. It's not everyone's cup of tea so don't just go ahead and watch it because it's heavy. Even though it is an animated series it presents hardcore real-life issues in an organized way. 

While watching it I came across a term called 'Age of Stagnation'. It's a wonderful concept. Kelsey Jannings, a character from the animated series explains it in simple words. However, the one that I am talking about is not related to the economy but to humans. After that, I came across a beautiful blog on Avoiding the Age of Stagnation (I have attached a link if you want to give it a go!) and the writer has interestingly explained the point of view.   

To my surprise, there are a couple of people in my life who have reached their age of stagnation because either their partners have accepted them for who they are or they have accepted their fate! Most of them have accepted their place in life because they don't think that there is anything beyond what they are settled into. These people have created a pattern in life. To break the routine pattern they produce the routine-breaker pattern. It's like you have two places to live so when you get bored with one, you stay at another for a while to catch a break. For most people, this is annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly breaks.  

It's a very dangerous state to be in because it prevents you from growing. As a species we can communicate, develop and cultivate; it becomes part of our life to improve as an individual. That's why we are called social animals. Even software needs frequent updates to stay relevant to the users, then how can we walk backwards? A lot of relationships and families face unwanted and non-existent problems because some or one of the family members refuse to grow in life. Like, the older generation doesn't understand and accept the functionality of the new generation. We all have one senior citizen in our family who refuses to comprehend the complexity of the new world and still thinks their time was the best.  

I think adventures are less brutal than routine. It becomes exhausting to do the same thing over and over. Overdoing makes it our comfort zone, even making the same mistake is considered a comfort. That's a clear reflection of your stagnant growth in life. The sign of growth is not only based on the knowledge you acquire but it also relies on a variety of mistakes that you come across in your professional and personal lives. Apart from the basic difference, I think, even couples should evolve with their fights and arguments, It reflects their growing bond while learning and improving as an individual. 

The best part is knowledge is not only limited to professional background, but it can also blossom in the form of self-development, educational achievement, personal targets, financial capabilities, etc. Learning to paint, draw, play a board game or any other activity that takes you out of your comfort zone or challenges you physically, mentally or/and spiritually is growth. Success or failure comes later, but at least you made up your mind to learn something new. A friend of mine decided to learn to dance at the age of 37 because he thinks he cannot move his waist and he doesn't want to have two left feet. Many of our parents are trying to understand WhatsApp, Instagram and YouTube. My father called me this morning to understand what is Threads.

Progress is the only way of living. 

People can follow their passion and hobbies anytime in their life. There is no age limit to it. What keeps you excitingly uncomfortable is leading you to learn. It is never too late to add a skill set to your list. When we stop learning we stop ageing mentally, personally and emotionally. And let's just get this clear, ageing is a beautiful process, it is not the same for everyone. Everyone isn't Anil Kapoor to physically age dashingly, but one can never deny a natural process. Of course, except for somebody who refuses to age, mature, grasp, change, understand and accept.

Until next time, take care!

With Loads of Love

The Queen of Random Things



  1. Loved this article Ruchi ❤️

  2. Very good and deep explanation 😇👍

    Thank you for sharing ☺️


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