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Showing posts from March, 2024

I am going to Zip it because unfolding a drama is more interesting!

There is one thing that I strongly disagree with my therapist is the concept of love. She is a hopeless Romantic and believes in lovey-dovey things, and I don't buy it. Oh yes, I decided to take therapy for a reasonable amount of time because fighting my demons alone was becoming too much for me.  Well, back to the topic. According to her, a major part of one’s heart belongs to the partner. She literally drew and explained it to me during a session. Surprisingly, there was no room for her in those sections of the heart and it baffled me the most. I decided not to ask or point it out to date because that’s her perception and I don’t want to rob her of her thoughts. She had different battles than me, so it kind of makes sense why someone would choose to sell the idea of love. That’s how I felt every time she spoke about love. It was almost as if I was listening to a romantic movie narration.  However, I am learning how to not comment and share my mind in a situation where it will que

Tell Me, How Do You Fight Your Fears??

As a kid, I was afraid of the dark. Decades ago, sleeping around 11 was considered late. Watching television till late hours was counted as a luxury, and it was worth it. Now, because everyone in my home has the habit of sleeping around 10 PM. I was the only one watching Saturday night movies during school days. I used to run after switching off everything, thinking something would chase me from the dark if I didn't reach my room quickly. Every one of us has done that! I grew up a little and my fear changed in the form of dogs. I used to maintain a reasonable distance from them. Before learning to swim, I was scared of deep water. I think uncharted territory scares us because of the lack of knowledge. We don't know what to expect from ourselves, as most of our fears are inbuilt, and we don't know what or how we would react in an unknown situation.  Growing up, my fears took various forms and eventually, I got over them because either I had to face them or I had gained knowl