I am going to Zip it because unfolding a drama is more interesting!

There is one thing that I strongly disagree with my therapist is the concept of love. She is a hopeless Romantic and believes in lovey-dovey things, and I don't buy it. Oh yes, I decided to take therapy for a reasonable amount of time because fighting my demons alone was becoming too much for me. 

Well, back to the topic. According to her, a major part of one’s heart belongs to the partner. She literally drew and explained it to me during a session. Surprisingly, there was no room for her in those sections of the heart and it baffled me the most. I decided not to ask or point it out to date because that’s her perception and I don’t want to rob her of her thoughts. She had different battles than me, so it kind of makes sense why someone would choose to sell the idea of love. That’s how I felt every time she spoke about love. It was almost as if I was listening to a romantic movie narration. 

However, I am learning how to not comment and share my mind in a situation where it will question the idea of whatever the person strongly believes in. I won’t say, I am an expert as I am still losing it when it comes to politics. But I can see the progress. I am choosing my battles and it gives me a sense of wisdom and challenge. I guess it was either Atal Bihari Bajpayeji or Pankaj Tripathi who said you can learn to speak in a couple of years, but it takes decades to learn to be calm and silent. 

To top it off, I was suggested a long time ago to be the last one in the room to speak. 

Number 1: It gives you an idea of what everyone else is thinking.

Number 2: It makes speakers feel that they are heard.

Number 3: They will reciprocate the gesture. 

The following are mine:

Number 4: You can build or argue based on what they said.

Number 5: You will get an idea at the end of it if it is wise to comment/speak/argue or not.

Nobody wants your piece wants mind unless they are in dire need of it. Moreover, unsolicited are not taken seriously, in fact, they aren't even heard properly. People would rather pay a certain amount to a certified person, instead of taking practical advice from elders, a well-read person, and ancient scripture. The value of money is higher than the value of knowledge, you see! 

And after noticing this on numerous occasions, I have stopped sharing my perspective. I don't care if you are dating a moron, if you are following an unhealthy fad diet, if you are wasting your time, or if you are going to fall into a muddy pit. लातो के भूत बातों से नहीं मानते, taking this proverb quite practically, I have decided to choose my peace over good/helpful intentions because I don't care if you don't pay attention to my words. These people are ignorant, stubborn, egoistic, and imprudent to think pragmatically. Therefore, I am going to zip it because unfolding a drama is more interesting!

