One Line A Day!!!

Diary Snippets 

The World of Words
Given a chance I would like to get lost in the world of books where the bridges, building, night lamps, and everything else is made out of books. I could just pick a book out of random and pass my days wandering around.

Cooking, a form of Self-love
I think every time I cook happily, deeply, and constructively, I make love to myself in a devotional way.

A walking Accident
An accident made me realize: On a bad day even a small thing can make you cry, and on a good day even a big thing can look small. 

The Colour of the Sun isn't Yellow.
Neil Degauss Tyson has once educated the world that the sun isn't yellow. Due to the pollution in our environment, it reflects as yellow, and other colours as we see during the Sunset and Sunrise. The proof is the colour of the snow! If the sun were to be yellow, the snow would also look yellow. 
These phenomena taught me 2 things:
1. Good results can come out of bad experiences. 
2. It is easy to believe what we see with the naked eyes and not think beyond it!

Almost a Bad day!
Good food makes me high! The only love affair that's been constant. 

Lazy Saturday
It was a task to get out of the bed, cook, bathe, and get out of the house today! I almost didn't do any of it. 

Still has that Effect
I missed my turns twice this evening because I was thinking about you!

Latest Update
Luxury is opposite of vulgarity

A Bad day
It's just a bad day, not a bad life! Hold on, tight. 

Silent Chaos
I guess silence is good when your mind is chaotic. Don't bring it outside. 

If I ask you to take me to a place that means a lot to you, where would you take me?

The Israeli Company
Sometimes, things fall into places without even doing something. It's like an unasked prayer to god that he agreed to!

Boring, Really?
I like boring. It's stable, honest, and secure. That's all I want

It's important to meet stupid people to understand how far you have come!

Woke Up to a Good News
We will meet twice, if we are supposed to!

Home Sweet Home
No matter where I go there is nothing like home!!!!

I'm Feeling Good!
Finally, a Sunday with a vide that motivates me to socialize!

Funny or Serious?
Your drama will be hilarious for others because they didn't have to go through it. Drama become funny for us once we move on from them or the trauma finally changes us. 

Being stupid has its own merits that smart people don't mostly talk about!

It's amazing what happens when you stop fighting what you are!

Just Another Day! 
Some people don't know how to be with others. You can't keep hurting yourself in a hope they will learn. 

The National Sleepy Day
Sunday should be legally announced as the National Sleeping Day to increase productivity and relax minds.

I cannot describe how the version of you that came in my dream made me feel.

A Deep Thought By Bill Nye
Order comes from disorder.

Non-glamours Saturday
Every day comes with unlimited opportunities to learn something new. Today, I learned about the Nightshade Family!

Did You Know That?
You can't have everything in life, not all at once!

Note for the Day
You can't be goody two shoes all the time. Sometimes you have to be bad and not be sorry about it because it was the right thing to do.

If god blesses your wish, "Pal bhar ke liye koi hume pyar kar le, jootha hi sahi." Then don't cry about it saying, "Sheesha ho ya dil ho akhir tut jata hai."

Dinner of Choice
Life seems beautiful and perfectly fine whenever I have good food. A scrumptious meal satisfies my stomach and soul.

The need to correct someone isn't higher than maintaining peace within and around you!

Days like Sundays should exist more, where everything slows down. 

Heck of a Tuesday Blue
Tuesday that felt like Wednesday because I badly want the month to be over!

Dream with a Lesson
So I had an unpleasant dream this morning. And I don't want to remember it. So that's the end of it. However, it taught me, "Not telling the truth to others will not change the fact for you."

Missing the Weekend, Already!
I miss the Pune weather! I want to go back until things feel fine here.

Thank god the week is done, it was a tough one.

What a Mismatch!
Everything is wet! Except what should be!

What a yummy Saturday!

Time flies, collectively?
I have no idea where did the 7 months of this year go! It was just March yesterday!

Days are running slow, so slow that every day feels like an hour and each hour feels like a year!

And I am Feeling Good!
People do good deeds to feel good about themselves. And to romanticize the euphoria, they tell the world about it.

You can't cut off everyone who doesn't match your vibe and criteria. The key is to find who is worth fighting for: with yourself and the world.

Sept it is!
Monday that goes silent is usually the first day of the month.

Things aren't falling into places, but one thing is. Well, that's a start.

Note to Self
Don't cut down your expenses, find more ways to earn money.

Ever Wondered?
Your childhood self is proud of you, as you are already living her dreams. It's the adult version of dreams that keep shifting. 

People don't like to hear the truth. No matter how open, or bold a person is. Truth demands courage and acceptance. 

I have had a too relaxing day for a Monday!

Every Wondered?
Have you ever thought that rain is God’s direct way to communicate with us? Think about it. Other two season do not have such phenomena, but during the monsoon season, we witness water pouring from the sky. Up above! It’s like during this season, god sends his message to us through rain.

Mid-week Happiness!
You cannot control what others do, but you can express yourself to them.

Woke up on the Wrong Side of the Bed!
I hate waking up with a disappointing feeling! Especially, when it's for someone else.

Why God Why?
I don't want to let him go, but I have to!

I Don't Know Why?
I have never been the same after coming back from Pondy. It's like I left a part of me there and replaced it with something new that I am yet to settle with!

Love Never Dies
I guess you can't stop loving someone when you accept them completely with their good and bad. You might think it's over, you might stop talking. But the affection and the lingering feeling never fade. 

ऐसे क्यों?
वही इंसान तो उसी इंसान में भी नहीं मिलता 

You won't find the same person, even in the same person!

The Let Them Theory!
Let them do whatever they want to do! They will show their true colour, and then you choose if that's what you want.

Reality Check
It takes years to become an overnight success!

We try so hard to convince others about what we strongly believe in, and it creates such chaos because convincing becomes force, and it suffocates others. 

    Tell me
If now now then when?

Disappointment comes in many forms!

The Arrogance of Experience
Sometimes, we become arrogant about our victory and forget the journey that came with many lessons. Consequently, we don't understand the pain of the person going through the same thing that we did long time ago.

Sick Saturday
It should rain like today, often! I love the climate from my room. 

You Think?
    You have to exhibit and advertise your achievements when you are trying to sell yourself as a brand. Otherwise, a sense of satisfaction and focus is enough to be successful!

The Little Things Matter
Life lacks perspective until you start observing!

Festivals are supposed to bring family and friends together. Traditions are just an excuse to create memories. 

All I need in life is a good meal, relaxing baths at the end of the day, good books, a few good people, and a cosy bed that makes me feel everything is going to be A-okay!

You Think?
Sometimes, we don't expect our loved ones are capable of intentionally hurting us or doing wrong to us because of our love towards them or their delusional image in our head.

Homely Sunday
Protect yourself with the truth!

Equalition Varies
Friendship betwenn guys is non-judgemental, but friendship between girls is high maintainance. 

Enjoy the journey and outcomes will become unexpected byproducts. 

Lesson Learned
If you want to explore new things then you will have to play by the rules of the new things. You can't apply your rules everywhere!

2025 better get me a man, I am done meeting little boys in adult bodies!
