Oh Just Shut Up About Your Unwanted Drama!!!

The idea of life is to accept all sorts of experiences, whether you like it or not. Good and bad are parts of life and you cannot accept one and deny another. 

Similarly, you can’t build a relationship without vulnerability. To put it in simple terms, you can’t let someone in until you let your guard down. Everyone wants to play safe and avoid bitter experiences just to avoid pain and suffering. But how will you grow in life if you keep avoiding the actual human experience? No pain, no gain. And this implies all sorts of things in life: Personal, professional, spiritual, etc. 

The idea of not getting hurt is non-existential if you ever want to connect with another human being. We have to understand that some people are just temporarily in our life, no matter how much we love them. They play their role and leave when it’s their time. It’s nobody but your fault if you didn’t notice or chose to ignore red flags in a friend or previous romantic interest. We can't stop risking meeting other people in the name of a broken heart!

Own up your mistakes, learn from it, heal your scars, and move ahead in life with a full heart.

There is no point in reliving the past, you don’t live there any more. Don’t be stuck up!! Better address your demons and allow new people to enter your life. The half-hearted attempts are now being termed as situationship, benching, love bombing and what not. 

I am tired meeting people who wouldn’t leave and learn from a trauma. The point of trauma is to change you. Stagnation in life will make your life colorless and miserable. It will not allow you to improve as an individual. And what is life without a little bit of drama??? 

Don't dim somebody else's spirits because of your shitty choices

Maybe this is my frustration, but well, this has become reality now. I see so many broken people with no intention of alleviating their pain. Always remember, hurting someone else will not mend your wounds. Don’t make your next lover or friend pay for the mistake they didn’t make. Deal with it yourself! 

And I will always keep a hope of meeting people who have a zest for life, no matter how much their life sucks. 

Until next time love and kisses, 

The Queen of Random Things
