Being a Single Woman Isn't easy even in this Century!

I am not kidding! People think single women have a lot of options and the star is the limit for them. Well, they are defining the professional achievements, but when it comes to day-to-day and personal life it's a whole lot of different story.

Numerous single women around the world make the choice of living alone, away from their family, in a hope of having their space and independence. Many of them decides not to get married because they have lost their faith and courage due to a bad experience, or they haven't found a worthy companion. For many of them, it's a forceful choice for the betterment, and they don't talk about it because such women don't often talk about their deep-routed issues with just about anyone. Plus, the society's look at them makes it difficult for them to open up because the last thing they want is someone taking advantage of their vulnerability or weak spot. 

I often get the privilege to meet such women, and it's feels motivating and exhausting at the same time. Women are taught to be perfect from childhood. As a result, we are often hard on ourselves than others. We quickly resent our mistakes and not often gratify our glories. We always run for perfect without realizing it isn't real, and refuse to settle for less even though we surpass the excellence level. That's just how our mother train us from a very young age. That's why we disapprove of women who do not go by the rules. Hence, you will often hear women saying, "Patriarchy is guarded by women". The Hindi version "ek aurat hi dusri aurat ki dusman hoti hai". 

And if that's not enough, single women have to play two roles in their life: A man and a woman. Because they don't have anyone who can take care of them, finically, physically, mentally or emotionally. She wears her armour every time she steps out of her room or home because otherwise the world will crush her. She has to manage between the mix of masculine and feminine sides, and it is dreadful. And I guess in that game of juggling, a lot of women lose their feminine side because they have no other choice but than to be strong. At the end of it becomes tiring to put on a strong face in front of the world just because it's your battle and there is no one else to fight for you or help you out. And it becomes worse when your enemies are your family and friends. That would mean to continue wearing the armour even inside the home, which is the saddest thing for anybody. 

It is indeed true, if a woman feels safe around a man she will lose her masculinity because she knows he will not just take care of the things around but also me when I will need him and there is no need for an armour any more. I am sure these strong women would love to stay with their feminine energy, but with the growing age and long duration make it difficult for them to let their guards down and let someone in. Most women become delusional and become insensitive and forgets to how to tap feminine side, and I am not sure If I should blame them or the mothers who hard on daughters and soft on sons that led to such state. And it takes a really long time to unlearn things that you were taught from the beginning. 

Think about it until the next time, and be kind to everyone! At least try! 


The Queen of the Random Things



  1. This is a thoughtful piece on the challenges single women face in balancing societal expectations. It powerfully captures the emotional and mental toll of navigating life alone while constantly maintaining strength. A truly insightful read! 😇


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