Isn't Social Media Exhausting?

Let's make things simpler and avoid science stuff. Social media has created a delusional world around us, which we cannot see but has a great impact on our lives. You might think you are just scrolling through your feed or reels, but that my friend is not it. There is more to social media than what meets the eye.

How many people's lives match with what they show on different platforms? The answer is NONE. How easy it is to fake things on social media. A couple of weeks ago, I was feeling low because almost everyone I followed was posting travel stories and I was sitting at home. Some posted pictures of a school reunion and others showed how magnificent their life was because they were sitting in an elegantly decorative café/restaurant. The cherry on top, I met a friend who updated the status quo pro about mutual people's lives and I had an existential crisis, followed by FOMO and low self-esteem. 

Isn't social media exhausting?

Upon confiding in a friend, we concluded that our(Mine and hers) social media life is boring and saves us from attracting fake people. We started sharing our insecurities and had an Epiphany that we can't live such a life every day!! I believe, why do I need to update the world about what's happening in my life? Who are they? Why do they need to know my travel diaries or anything else for that matter? People closer to you will know about your life status by being in touch, and that's the people that matter. I find it funny when an influencer says an Instagrammable place! Well, tell me about the food and service, honey. What am I supposed to do, just spend my money on rubbish food for some clicks! 

 "Beyond sheer volume, social media interactions are qualitatively different from in-person meetings. For one thing, social media platforms have developed easy opportunities for viewers to react to content, resulting in objective feedback metrics for the content creator. Because the denominator is essentially infinite, no matter how many likes a post gets, the numerator may not feel like enough. Feeling insufficient, not liked enough, judged by others, or excluded from an "in group" takes a heavy toll on mental health.

 Harvard Medical School

Isn't social media exhausting?

Cillian Murphy once said, "The more boring you are in real life, the less people are interested in you. Sadly, I tell people I have an extraordinarily boring life. It's actually incredibly exciting." The man is neither aware of new conversation lingoes nor is active on social media platforms. He doesn't regret it and finds himself too old for such things. Can someone tell the man he isn't missing anything great? I would like to rephrase his lines to: "The more boring you are on social media, the less people are interested in you." 

I have learned from my experience that people will chase you when your social media is on roll and your life looks lavish. The moment I stopped doing it, I became bored and uninteresting. Someone even said, "You only post about books, that's so boring." It's like an episode of Black Mirror, where you are judged by your social media interactions. I can't do that anymore. I give up and I don't feel bad about it because it is stupid to judge a person by their Instagram accounts. 

Isn't social media exhausting?

People click pictures keeping Instagram in mind. Everything is clickable, but no one is ready to see the beauty of it. I think we have taken nature and life for granted and we have forgotten to cherish them at the moment. You can save a lot of time and energy if you stop clicking pictures on social media. You can have a real conversation with people if you keep your phone under the table, facing down, or in your bag. The human mind is like money, it's natural to look at your phone when the screen glows. But by checking on it, you are devaluating your company, the moment, and the conversation. 

I don't know if you realize, how much time, energy, data, and device storage you can save by spending less time on social media. And once you stop caring who sees your posts, you become relieved and start living your life without unnecessary fears. 

Until next time, 

Spend a weekend without social media and answer my question: Isn't social media exhausting? 

The Queen of Random Things

