I don’t want to write anymore… I am done!!!

The last few months of last year were quiet and eventful for me. I felt numerous things and they changed me. I almost feel anew, like a new version of me. I call this timeline: The Villain Era. The transition to villain requires surpassing the victim era. And I guess I passed it very quietly, without anyone noticing!! 

I stopped writing in the name of writer’s block, I stopped expressing myself in the name of an ignorant bunch, and I stopped sharing my thoughts in the name of the wrong crowd. I disappeared from everywhere. Some who were genuinely concerned called and asked about my whereabouts, and the rest just waited for me to reappear. 

While I taught myself to keep my opinion to myself and not to hand out suggestions until they are asked, I gained knowledge about other things that I didn’t pay attention to before. It was a roller pager ride for me because I wasn’t ready for the naked truth that was coming my way. 

It was during that time I realized, I don’t want to talk too much about my opinion and I would focus on the reality that really matters. I realized that most of the things I write are completely honest, but how many of my readers actually act on it? Do they even do something about their newly gained information? Or do they get back to their life after reading what I had to say? 

To be honest, I have no answers and I stopped writing for a while, which turned into 2 months! Suddenly, a friend suggested writing smaller blogs to reconnect and break my block. It made sense and I took it. That’s when, And then we stopped talking… Just like that!!! (Blog) came into the picture. The 3 small blogs were a hit, and I wasn’t expecting that! 

I could write again, and I had ideas again. I was back in the writing business. Now, before I end this blog and go on with writing the next one. I want you to take a step and tell me about your villain era, victim era, an incident that made you rethink your passion and the thing that brought you back to your passion. I have reconnected with my passion for writing, but not with my dear readers! Maybe it will take time, or maybe it won’t. Nevertheless, I have the desire to know about your side of the story, if you allow me.

For a change, I want you to reach out to me, the way you like it, and tell me your story. I want to hear it because I know I am not alone. It’s funny because this is happening only because I told a friend of mine, “I don’t want to write any more… I am done!!!”


I will be waiting,

The Queen of Random Things
