Undressing Social Media With Scandalous Perspective

Why is everyone becoming so fixated with likes, followers and subscribers? What I mean to say is why everyone wants to become an influencer/fashionista/public figure/star. In that case, who is going to follow whom? Come on people, for crying out loud why do we beg others to like our post or follow this stupid culture of follow back? What is this madness about being famous? Is it for free stuff or becoming well-known for a hot second has become a new achievement in our society? Plus, 90% of things on social media are fake.

It astonishes me that people would actually pay more attention to social media than their real life as it happening around them. FYI, it is totally not necessary to take videos and images of every moment. Mark Zuckerberg is not going to kill individuals who do not give daily updates on social media. Plus, I am deeply flabbergasted and greatly dumbfounded to see girls showing their skin so easily on platforms! What happened to शर्म and लज्जा? Girls showing their skin, acting slutty and moving their bodies in a raunchy manner are getting famous for no good reason. Where is the innocence and purity? I don't know what we are teaching the coming generation! This is what we are going to leave behind for them. (Compared to what our oldies/ancestors left for us! Oh! Just kill me)

I think social media has totally gone wrong and I don't even know from where to begin. There is infinite information and businesses that are creating Choice Overload and Information Overload in society. Society is already confused with multiple sexualities and the occasional modernization of technology, so why do you want to put them in a horrifying situation with numerous options and details in almost everything? Isn't global textile waste enough as one collective issue?

Everyone is recording everything, but doing nothing about changing. If it's good then why are you Romanizing it? And if it is bad then you chose to record it to upload rather than being a helping hand? Public figures behaving graciously kind to a normal person is viral in a heartbeat, but no one wants to help people in Maui or girls in Manipur or needy (Not without recording it to show to the world). Additionally, why are we appreciating politicians, government bodies and the general public for doing their duties? That's not awareness that's the abuse of power and here the power is social media. 


This is just the tip of the iceberg - the social and ethical problems! Don't get me started on mental problems. People have forgotten the art of conversation, Gen Z do not know how to make small talk and personal meetings are replaced by online calls and especially chats. Screen time increases due to several apps, short temper due to the 30-second reel culture, peer pressure because everything looks good on social media, and FOMO because you don't want to be a social pariah. Fashion, food and IT industries are among the top 5 to make the most of such platforms because of hype culture. Cherry on the top, the overuse of gadgets is expanding the number of physical issues in youngsters. 

The fact is, we are more distant from our near and dear ones. The number of narcissists is increasing in the name of self-love. Sadly, they don't even know what they are doing is self-obsession rather than self-awareness. Everyone wants to play safe when it comes to any kind of relationship: Don't get too close so when they leave it's easy to ignore and move on to the next one. Don't be too far that they feel you aren't interested or investing enough. 

Why is pain, hurt, bad experience and the word FAT taken in a wrong way? What's wrong with them? Like I always say, "What is good without bad?" Some of the great and creative minds earned the name because of the by-product of their trauma. Vincent van Gogh, Charlie Chaplin, Alexander McQueen, Jim Carey, Parveen Babi and many more. They either hide their struggle with a paintbrush, designer collections, constant humour, back-to-back work, and the list goes on or they channel their emotions to craft something bigger than them, for the world to see and never forget them. Comedy is inspired by tragedy, comedians turn dark experiences with a great laugh. No wonder Charlie Chaplin was given the longest 12-minute standing ovation in the history of Oscars to date. Bipolar disorder didn't stop Honey Singh from coming back to singing. (Also, there is nothing wrong with being fat, being obese is the problem. I say if you can poop in the Indian style without much discomfort that's one of the signs of a healthy body.)

Sometimes, it feels like this is a dream and once I open my eyes it will go away. But to my dismay, change is the only constant and this is reality. With the advancement of technology, humans are becoming dumber and a certain group of people are able to create a superficial society with a complete disconnection from one another. We have engaged ourselves in such nonsensical things that we don't pay attention to important things. 

Isn't there any digital virus like COVID that can shut down the internet for a year so that people have no other option than doing things old ways/the actual ways/the better ways/the connecting ways? Anyway, I guess I have made my point and I will take something to make peace with this stupid social media culture. You can say this was a rant that was hankering me for quite something and I had to let it out, but tell me if I am wrong. However, I wonder, what's next?????????

Until next time enjoy the beginning of the festival season. 

The Queen of Random Things


Ganpati Bappa Moriya!!

