Dear Mumbai.......
Dear Mumbai,
You have made me fall in love with you every time we have met. I cannot comprehend, but there is something about you that keeps you enigmatic. I love the way you open your arms to my every mood and welcome me with warm regards. You are that boyfriend for me who I feel very strongly for. I adore you for the ways you handle me at my worst but I cannot imagine spending life with you. I know there is a strong connection between us and you will always be part of my life, but you cannot become my life partner because we have different goals in life.
Being with you was one of the best experiences in my life. You opened doors for new possibilities in my life. I have never been the same since I met you. People say life in a metro isn't easy, I agree. But the soothing music of water at marine drive and bandstand solves all the problems momentarily. I have learned so many things about myself and explored so many aspects of my personality thanks to you. You made me grow up in such a beautiful way that I never imagined.
In a population of 21 lacks, I felt I mattered and my existence doesn't have to be loud like a public figure to make a difference in the world. You welcome so many people every day, yet do not forget your old friends and never forget to charm them. Sometimes you are docile and sometimes you act like a dominant one. You open your arms to the rich and poor, everyone and always manage to amaze every type of person. I never thought I can lose myself in the crowd and still stand out, you taught me that. Being a common person, one among the group isn't a bad thing. It is a great power and I never realized it until you made me see it.
I have met so many people, gained knowledge, had different types of cuisine and visited new places due to your presence. You have been there with me in my hardest time and watched me during my growing stage. I love it, how inexpressive yet so powerful our relationship is.
You taught me to love fiercely, take risks even when I am scared, live like there is no tomorrow and never forget my roots. Out of all the cities in the country, if I get a chance to relive moments I would choose the ones with you. I was a girl when I met you and I became a woman in process when I left you. A part of me will always belong to you. Until we meet again, I want you to remember me as a girl who you loved unconditionally and earned a strong place in her heart and mind.
The Queen of Random Things
None of the city can replace mumbai