Keep Your Scuffle Private & Demonstrate Success

In the race of life, it doesn't matter how many hurdles you have had or how many barriers you crossed. People aren't interested to know how hard it was for you to run the race until you reach the finishing line. People will only listen to your struggle if you are famous or/and successful. Hence, when it comes to 'Work-In-Progress', I believe it should be silently without any advertisement to the world. 

I strongly believe humans are tricky creatures. We feel comfort in someone else's sorrow and discomfort. Jealousy and competitiveness are human tendencies we cannot avoid. The world thrives on insecurity. People who love you and care about you will not always value your time, energy and investment. 

Yes, the world is a cruel place. And even though people close to us wish well for us, they would often hate to see us growing. It can be intentional or unintentional, but that's the fact! Notice how many people are happy with your personal or professional failure and you will be astonished. People around you will hate your cultivation because they don't want you to have better than them. Maybe because your shitty situation made them feel better about theirs! Perhaps because they hate to get out of their comfort zone! Or maybe they don't want to come out of their delusional world, but somehow your growth forces them to have a reality check.

Another problem we face while self-conditioning and self-development is unwanted and unnecessary suggestions. You will hear all kinds of ideas, strategies and plans once you reveal your goals. People will give a piece of their mind according to their knowledge. They will not bother to know what you are exactly up to. Listening to them will make you feel everything else is better than you have decided. These suggestions will simply distract you from the path. Thus, you will end up more confused in a situation where things aren't making any sense already. 

People don't know your personal journey or what you want. They are unaware if you are working for the direct result or a by-product of some other goals. Plus, so many people will not understand how you function, including your ideology. It is not even vital to explain anything to them. These people can be your parents, partner, best friend, co-worker, or anyone! I believe things can get jinxed out of over-positivity, advertisement, and flaunting. Until anything is subtle or certain, we don't need to expose our private relationships, hobbies, or hard work to anyone. They might mock, demotivate, over motivate your will to bring change in your life that you strongly decided on. On top of everything, everyone has their customized grind in life, which only they can understand. 

You know, my dear reader, I say this out of my experience: The toughest thing to do is maintain discipline and routine. I have read somewhere, "If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It's lethal." and I second it. The daily routine is challenging because doing the same thing every day might make you feel you are going nowhere, but in the long run, it pays off. One day of workout won't show any changes in your body, but months of routine can be visible to the world. From a cocoon to a colourful flying creature, a butterfly never discloses its transformation process. It simply glorifies victory by flying everywhere and looking beautiful. Once you know what you want to do and achieve, creating a path to your destination is smoother. We just got to keep at it. 

So cheers to everyone going through a tough time silently and on their way to making it big. Things change when you stop putting your struggles on social media during the process. You can gratify them later once you have achieved something. Until then, it only concerns you. 

It's time for me to sign off and enjoy the weekend. I hope the same for you. I will connect with you next time, my dear reader. 

Till then, Love-Kiss-kiss!!!

The Queen of Random Things
