Will YOU Wish ME On Birthday?

I take birthdays seriously. I believe a birthday is the one day in a year specially designated to you as your new year and a festival for others to celebrate your existence. It's one day of the year you don't have to share it with anyone (Well, I mean, you do share it, but not in a massive number!) We become a year older and wiser on birthdays, but I don't see it negatively. Birthdays are an opportunity to see how people feel or think of you. Count me fussy, but I have blocked, shouted, fought, and taunted my friends for not wishing me or forgetting my birthday. In my opinion, birthday jang khatam kar sakta hai. If the leaders of the UK, the USA, China, and Russia had wished Hitler on his birthday in April, WW2 wouldn't last for 6 years. I mean birthdays are special, you can't deny that! Yes, I have pushed my other blogs to re-establish birthdays' impact.

People come up with the darndest excuses these days, and it annoys me to the core. I have heard, "I am bad with remembering birthdays." a million times in this lifetime, and the moment anyone says that, I feel like slapping them tight on their cheek. Even I have said this once to someone, and yes, that was an excuse. Since Facebook started reminding birthdays, we barely make efforts to keep track of them. Facebook is made to remember birthdays, isn't it? Don't answer that was a rhetorical question. Sometimes, we are busy inside our heads rather than in reality.

Similarly, we don't bother to remember the birthdays of people that matter less to us(not all of us are bad with dates). Every time, my friends say, "I am sorry, I am bad with birthdays!" I kid you not; I am mentally punching them in their nose. Before, people used to keep a birthday diary and check it every month (or now and then) to ensure they didn't forget anyone's birthday. On the other hand, in the age of advanced technology, we don't choose to note special days anywhere! What a shame.

It takes a little bit of effort. What's the big deal with that? I remember the birthdays of people who aren't part of life anymore(Well, that's more of irony). It takes a little work and the support of technology to remember birthdays. I am not a robot, but I make sure I don't miss wishing someone their birthday if they matter to me. Plus, people don't even make that effort to wish even after noticing on social media. How hard could it be(or how inconsiderate you can be!)?? Konsa jang jitni hai, bhai! But they will be on the list and keep a tab on everyone's activity!  

Also, when someone makes an effort to wish you your birthday every year, the least you can do is return the favor as a gesture of gratitude. Yes, I have this type, too, in my life. FYI - There are apps to record birthdays, smartphones have features to add birthdays with contacts, and your phone calendar will show you whose birthday it is every day. This is among the smallest joy of life. You might not speak to your college/school friend daily. The equation might have changed, or you both might have drifted apart. But a birthday wish can keep you connected in a conventional way, and you never know when that connection can spark into something meaningful. And if not, what is wrong with putting a smile on someone's face? Remembering a birthday is a small thing, but it's one of the powerful ingredients of friendship. As I said, birthday wishes can resolve fights and make one realize the person's value. Hence, the next time you see birthday posts on social media, do not miss wishing the person. It will make their day; trust me, the joy of being a reason for someone's smile is inexpressible. 

Keeping that in mind, this is the most childish and corny thing I have ever done in life, but YOLO. Yours truly is turning older on coming Tuesday, the 7th of Feb (Felt cute, will definitely delete the date after my birthday), and it's an opportunity for you to give this birthday thing a kick-start (Aren't I smart :P) So, put in your calendar, phone, reminder app, post-it, tattoo, I don't care where, but wish me. 

If I ever made you laugh/smile, made you feel better, or if my existence made any difference to you at some point in your life, pick up the phone to wish me or better meet me. I know every one of you isn't a writer, but the intention counts, not the words. I am counting on you, my dear reader. Some of the smallest joys of life are undemanding, uncomplicated, and easy. 

So please stop with the malarkey that birthdays are hard to keep track of and make this year a reason for somebody's smile in the simplest way possible-Wishing on their birthday!! Well, I am born in the love month, so I have taken the responsibility to spread love-Sometimes like a cupid, sometimes like an angel. Also, share my blogs with more and more friends. Let them know how painless and essential birthday wishes are. So, WILL YOU WISH ME ON BIRTHDAY? 

Well, I bid you Goodbye until the next time. Happy Valentine's Day, in advance, to those who already have love by their side. For single people, life is too short to feel lonely on this day, so pick flowers, chocolates, and a card for yourself. Love means Happiness with yourself too!

The Queen of Random Things 



  1. Happyyy badyyyy in advance 🥂🤗

  2. I found your birthdate

  3. Happy Birthday in adavance dear queen, also I'm bad at remembering bithdays 😔😊


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