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How Hard Is It To Stay Positive?

We start a year with a lot of zest and positivity, and I wonder what happens by the end of it that we end up cursing the year for having bad experiences! Have you ever wondered about that? It surprises me that people putting up things like 2022 was hard and this and that. Did 2022 make decisions in your life? Did 2022 force you to do something you shouldn't have done? We blame the year as if it's a nasty bitch, and we must get rid of it. And I wonder why there is so much hatred for something that's ending. 

We are a strange generation. We welcome the new year by shaming the year that's going to end, pay more attention to people on phones than people in front of us, and title every possible personality, sexual orientation, and pronoun. But when it comes to taking a stand, we only take a stand on social media. We create drama and cry over it like we didn't manifest or anticipate it. Moreover, why is it too hard to be accepting and positive? Would it be too hard to glorify something by not demeaning something else or without comparing? Why do we have to belittle the previous year to get ahead in the coming year? What's the point of lying to yourself by blaming something else? I guess the problem with the new generations is that we know our problems, but we are doing almost nothing to solve them. We like addressing them, but we make no effort to resolve them. Why are we scared to open up to someone? Why are we scared to be in a real relationship? Why don't we feel fulfilled with our jobs, even after earning handsomely? Why are our kids addicted to screens? These are some concerning issues we are well aware of, but we don't work toward finding their answers. Instead, we crib about it and give in to these latest trends, thinking there is no solution. 

Business-minded people are raising a generation where social media openly sells negativity, and nobody bothers about it. But we are worried about an actress wearing a saffron color swimsuit. If you scroll through social media, you will find a hundred of content that deeply explain red flags, but only some people talk about green flags. Quotes these days teach about self-obsession instead of rational self-love. We are taught to spot negatives in others and ignore the same in ourselves. We justify our behavior by putting it on zodiac sign explanations. Oh my god! It is frustrating to come across a sensible soul and have a deep, meaningful conversation. Why can't social media talk about being giving, loving, sacrificing, and dedicating in a relationship? Why can't there be more positive things on social media, which is easily accessible to people of any age? Why can't we address the trivial issues that majorly impact our society? Capitalizing in the name of communication mediums should be everyone's concern. It is so easy to convince a mass today. No one wants to be the sheep, but everyone follows the sheep-like culture. I guess the more comfortable we get, the more sanity we lose. 

In a world where you can reach people through so many platforms, I wish we all feel connected to each other in a meaningful way. Make wise choices on social media. Nothing can have a bad influence on you until you let it control you. Don't give in to money-making apps that exist to feed you the wrong things. Be easy on yourself but don't be scared to introspect. In a world where we are taught to love ourselves unconditionally, be a giver or a reason for someone's smile. Modern-day fasting should be off social media and positive communication only. Let's create a society where people can breathe and talk freely and everyone has space to be themselves. Ensure you follow positive and motivating people on social media and in real life. 

On that note, I, The Queen Of Random Things, wish you Happy winter. Remember to enjoy your choice of hot beverage with your loved ones, and I say this As I sip my hot chocolate with marshmallows.



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