Are You Even Reading My blogs?

It feels like forever since I have written something. I have been meaning to write about so many topics, but in the last couple of weeks, life happened, and I got engaged in so many things that this blog didn't make it into my priority list. Though, I missed writing and sharing my thoughts with you, my dear reader. 
Yours truly have been enjoying this winter by consuming and cooking fantastic food items, wearing the chicest winter wear, and trying new things. I have been trying to find myself in the middle of all this because I feel I have lost a part of myself in the chaos. In the process of doing multiple things and keeping people around you happy, you lose yourself. The realization of it scares many. Somewhere down the line, I just remembered that I had to make myself happy while making everyone happy. I lost myself in a crowd and couldn't find a mirror to look at myself with a gaze of love, affection, and passion. It had been a long time since I grabbed a hot cup of tea and conversed with myself.
No, I am not going to stop blogging in the process. I needed a short time to figure things out - A break per se! I got busy with my new year resolution and then with new year's new me. I have also had a writer's block for a long time, and I couldn't articulate my thoughts even though I have so many things on my mind. Finally, I put down my thoughts, so I don't lose my way to you, my dear reader. So, here I am, greeting you with a brand-new hello in this new year as we meet for the first time in 2023. 
Meanwhile, I was wondering if you have missed my quirky thoughts! How many people are reading my blogs and waiting for a new one every fortnight? Do you enjoy reading about the topics I pick? Does our perspective match? Have I helped you in learning something new? Do you disagree with me on anything? These are normal thoughts for a blogger to have. But you can comment here to answer my thoughts. I would love to know your input on my blogs. You can also share my blogs with your friends if it's worth it. Have patience the good ones are coming. 
I am going to keep this one short and sweet. Thus, the Queen of Random things wishes you a little late Happy New Year. Hope this year teaches us all to balance good and bad. 

Until Next Time, 


  1. Ofcourse love reading your thoughts on things that are hush hush in society otherwise.

  2. Yes certainly, your topic are not out of box but within the boxes which most ppl ignore..


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