Dolce Far Niente: The Sweetness Of Doing Nothing

It is a beautiful day of Monsoon, and it's raining like cats and dogs. I sit inside my room near the window and glance outside every now and then. How harmonious the rain sounds with the sweet smell of soil. All I see is water dripping from rooftops making everything wet, and humans waiting for heavy rains to stop or at least slowdown. 

Rain changes the human world. It brings sweet calmness and brings stillness to a world of chaos. The mere presence of rain outside makes me feel like watching it for hours and doing nothing. What is so enchanting about it, I wonder! I see small kids playing outside their houses, jumping in potholes with raincoats on, but a desire to get wet in the water. 

Paper boats have become such a classic and old-school concept nowadays that I almost don't see them. But thank god for small cities and villages for passing down such silly traditions to the kids and for teaching them how to live life to the fullest. Allowing them to explore and feel each drop of rain falling from the sky into their palm with that big curve taking place on their face in the form of a big smile. 

I remember the days when I used to wait for the Monsoon to start with the intention of getting wet while coming back from school or dancing with friends under the cloudy grey sky with water pouring. There were times when mother used to scold us after getting drenched in the rain and quickly dry ourselves in order to avoid getting sick. Now, we worry about clothes not drying soon, jeans getting dirty rapidly, not reaching the office in a dry pair of shoes, and what not.  

I wait for the day to get over so I can shut the laptop and wrap up the office work that has become dreadful on a Friday afternoon. How can one resist witnessing such a precious miracle of nature? Hence, I finally gave up and ran into the kitchen to prepare a hot, steaming cup of coffee. I stand near the balcony door and sink in the sight of the cold climate. Stepping outside, I feel a cold breeze passing by, making me feel colder and motivating me to hold my coffee cup tighter with both my hands. 

While standing on the edge, I take a deep breath in and let it out with all the happiness in the world. "Oh! How perfect the climate is!" I exhale. A few drops of the rain try to show their gratitude by landing swiftly on my cheeks, making me feel better about my existence. How I miss smiling like this along with natural beauty, I question. The sip of coffee felt like heaven as nothing could match this combination of rain and alpha music on the side of my sweet coffee with my chain thoughts. 

A drop falls into my finished cup of coffee, making me realize life is fuller even when you think there is nothing left to offer. Suddenly the voice of raindrops takes over my thoughts, and I forget the world and enjoy the music of water. I stand there for as long as this natural phenomenon decides to communicate with me and make me lost. I feel complete and rejoice at the same time. The overwhelming feelings make me thank the superior power for my existence in this world of magic. 

I wonder how I missed enjoying the silliest, tiniest, simplest things in life that bring infinite delightful moments with no plans of taking anything in return. They say, "Love is in the air. Breath it!" I say, "Love is inside you. Live it!" Cheers to the countless numbers of blessings that come in everyone's life in different versions. Sunshine, the Sun's rays, the smell of flowers, the birds chirping, sunsets, and colorful skylines are some of the best examples of these blessings. 

Now, sitting on a recliner chair inside my room, I patiently pen this down for you to enjoy, my reader! Dolce Far Niente (The Sweet Idleness) is what they call it in Italian, and I call it The joy of enjoying the small things: The Sweet Nothings.    

On that note, I will leave you to enjoy the lovely weather with your dear and near ones as I get a sweet calling from my dear one with a kiss on my cheek and a warm hug. Oh, I missed Monsoon for these little things!

The Queen of Random Things





  1. Well suited to this lovely climate. Cheers!


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