Keeping up with my Girlfriends


Girlfriends are tricky! 

Yes, Boys! I agree with you. Being a girl I second the statement: Girls are complicated. I mean there is just too much drama and unnecessary baggage for no good apparent reasons. 

I am all about GIRL POWER & YOU GO, GIRL! But man oh man the things you need to do to maintain a girl are sometimes overwhelming. Why can't girls be understanding and smooth sometimes, isn't it?

Over a decade, I have come across several females and the process of knowing them has been wonderful, but the process of maintaining them is dreadful. The constant pressure of being in touch, making them feel that they are wanted and needed around is just too much at times. I am still not used to these things, but thank god for maturity and mature age that gave a lot of them a sense that you don't need a constant reminder of "You are important!". I guess I have had more drama with my friends who are girls than with boys! That's the reason I have more boyfriends than girlfriends and people think I am taken as they always spot me with a guy/s! Story of my life!!!!!!! 

Honestly! The world must be Keeping up with the Kardashians, I am keeping up with my girlfriends! I mean the drama and excuses they come up with are so amusing! And this period drama is evergreen. It never goes out of fashion, never grows old and you can't even say anything about it. 

It took me weeks to get a hold of a friend over a nice Saturday morning for Bhajiya at famous Dumas beach, it takes more than one call and multiple messages to get hold of another for a cuppa coffee, another one is so busy with her wedding preparation that she can't even pick up my calls! 

The other day I asked one of my co-workers turned friend to come down to my hometown for a weekend so that she gets a break. And OH MY GOD the excuses she gave me were never-ending! The best part was, as soon as I solve one problem she comes with another one! (Yes Babe, you know who you are!). I am still trying hard to convince her. 

One of my friends for more than a decade is a complete sweetheart and is like a small sister to me. We even look like sisters and it is always fun to meet her. But ufff!! Fixing a place and time is such a ruckus with her sometimes. With comments like "Not there", "You don't drink coffee", "Can't you get free early, I am bored", "How long", etc., I feel like I am her boyfriend. 

Girls become hopeless after marriage, take it from me! They forget their own identity once they become Mrs. After a few years down the line they miss having their own life, circle, group, and friends. They end up complaining about not having all that! My question is why did you stop interacting with your friends as soon as you got hooked with a guy! It's your fault. I mean come on! Your friend, especially girls have tolerated your breakup, depression, professional, and many other dramas. Don't they have any rights???

I know I am going to hear left and right from my bunch for this blog but I am done with your drama women! If you want Benedict Cumberbatch you should have said it when you got your chance not after I picked him, I ain't eating at TCK just because you want to sit there, I am not going to pataofy that guy because you think he is cute and you can't even date him as you are engaged! I mean give me a break! Neither I want to hook up with your best friend nor do I want to marry your best friend! All I want is one good afternoon or evening or lunch or dinner or morning meal with you with lots of gossip and endless nonchalant times of yours. Tell me how difficult is this?

So get back to me when you can, I am sitting here waiting for you. Oh, by the way! On the brighter side, I am meeting with one of my school friends after many years tomorrow and it's a date. Let's see how that goes (I mean to say let's see if she ditches me or not!). 

With that light-hearted, little comical but to the point write-up I, the least dramatic person, going to bid you a Happy weekend.

With Lots of Love 

The Queen of Random Things  


