Love is complex but not complicated!

Thanks to Indian cinema we have witnessed different versions of love. Either those movies were inspired by true stories or society was inspired by romantic movies. It's always been like that, isn't it! But I guess in a world of swiping right and left we have forgotten the true meaning of love, which we rarely get to see today. 

Love these days has become like a pearl. You will have to dive into the depth of the ocean to find what is worthy, you can't just sit on the shore and expect things to happen. Like someone once said: "Love is hard work but it shouldn't feel like it." 

I have friends of all ages, and it is fun to watch them talk and express love. It is a hoot to watch a 17-year-old describe what love is and how she will never fall in love again (After breakup shenanigans!). Well, she is coping and she will fall in love multiple times in the future, I know that!!!!!! I have a friend who is in his mid-20s, who wants to get married because he feels lonely and he wants someone to talk to at the end of the day. His exact words, "Babe, you won't get it! You feel that urge to share your life with someone because you don't have anyone." and I am like did I just turn 31 just like that!!! Another 20-something friend of mine wants a dog in a form of a human. Well, to put it in good words, she wants someone who takes care of her, her happiness, her life, her everything. In short, a guy who forgets about his own needs and his mere existence is only to please her. One more friend of mine who is a lot older than me wants a partner basically because his life is dull and there is nothing else to do after work. Trust me, there are many more but I have mentioned just a few.

Talking to these people makes me realize love is so abstract to them. They don't understand, even they have to be there for the person. When you decided to be with someone it is not a one-way street, a relationship is a two-way street. I am not sure if they comprehend that a relationship isn't only about being held while you are falling or the person isn't responsible for your happiness or that there is nothing like a perfect one. 

Now, if we talk about modern-day relationships (Oh my favorite subject to rant about!) such as one-night stands, friends with benefits, transactional relationships, sugar daddy/momma, sex buddies. Morally, these are nothing but convenience for us. They were just created to be in a comfort zone from where we hate getting away because we have to invest in a person. Yaar! Itne sare comfortable relationship bana ke jana kaha hai aur karna kya hai! I don't even find them realistic. I mean the more you have meaningless sex with somebody, the more something inside you dies. You won't be able to put a finger on it, but one day you will realize. Moreover, easy sex means cheap sex. Plus, there is no romance or emotion in that (Only Hawas!)

I know there is no particular definition of love because this isn't something scientific. Love is like X whose value changes from person to person. For me, love is wishing for his/her happiness with or without you, no matter how hard that turns out to be! Love is accepting someone with their positive as well as negatives. Love is not leaving the side of the person when things become rocky. Well, I am happy, for once in my life I have got something right. Love is creating a safe and raw space between two people where they can be themselves. Love is motivating the person to be a better person every day without unnecessary nagging. To put in my words, love is a tree that can grow if taken care of tenderly at the start. Yes, it does become boring eventually and it is supposed to be. But that's the comfort and warmth of love that makes us stay with the person in that boringness. Love is when the silence between the two is comfortable. Love is being loyal, no matter how hard it is. 

So, for the people who say love is complicated. Buddy, please! It isn't! You aren't ready to accept the fact. Love is simple as the theory of attraction. Love that came back never left! Love that left, and never came was never love!  

"People are complicated, Situations are tough. But LOVE my dear friend, is simple!"

With that, let me sign off from here by giving you my reader, Lots of love. I have a date with love this evening. Well, maybe with a person or with the idea of love. (That's something You will not know, at least for now!)

The Queen of Random Things





  1. I loved evert bit of this article. There wasn't a single dull moment while reading it. the best part about this blog is that it is quite relatable for a 27-years old individual like me. Oh and BTW modern day relationship paragraph is CHERRY ON THE TOP!
    Keep writing such interesting articles.


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