Being a woman in a Jurassic world
You know I hate it when a guy tells me that women have it easy and that they control the world. That is utter bullshit that I cannot stop getting annoyed on. I am a feminist and I have most of the time been vocal about women's rights. Today as I have this platform I want to use it by painting a picture of a woman's life
We live in a society where people have only upgraded their clothes, houses, gadgets, and lifestyles. But when it comes to mindset, and thought processes we are still stuck in the past. To be honest, I think it will take centuries to change the way society thinks of women. I don't understand why are we guarded so much! Why are we protected as if we cannot take care of ourselves? Why are we made socially, finically handicapped and we need a man, be it a father or brother/s or a husband to take care of us?
A couple of years ago, I was home alone as my folks were travelling and I had to call an electrician because my bedroom fan decided to give me a hard time on a hot summer afternoon. Everything was normal but I felt uncomfortable as he was staring at me and was checking me out from top to bottom. I was so hesitant to be in the same room as him that I left the room immediately. Now, the moral guardians of society will raise a finger at my attire. Let me tell you I was wearing a stand neck sky-blue kurta with white legging and there was nothing revealing about it.
A sharp-pointed and thin needle had poked my heart the moment he was checking me out. I cursed myself for being alone and not having a man to be with me at that moment. I was waiting for the electrician to go away as his presence was making me feel disgusted. Now, when I think about it, I think I should have kicked his balls and thrown him out of my house. But you know it is easier to preach than practice. Moreover, over time I realized I don't need a man to protect me from another. Why can't I take care of myself? It also made me think that if I need a man to protect me from another man then there is something really wrong with that specimen. Don't you think?
I am sure I am not the only one who has encountered something like this. I can guarantee that every woman has experienced some kind of sexual abuse or such uncomfortable things minimum once in their life. It can be rape or uncomfortable stare or childhood sexual abuse or nasty comments but I am 200% sure every woman has gone through or is going through or will go through what I narrated above. Yes, I can vouch for that.
We as women are sexually objectified so often that it becomes part of life and we accept it. I have often told to my female friends that being a female it is easier to accept the ugly truth rather than be vocal about it and fight for it. Imagine being a female and fighting for justice after getting raped, or fighting with your family for your studies or for not getting married or for wanting to work and a thousand more things.
Every day is a battleground when you are a woman.
For us, the fight is different because society has already decided our life without putting them in words or writing them in a rule book. The other day I told my aunt when she asked me about marriage that for me settling down isn't getting married to a man and having his kids. For me settling down is being independent, financing myself and being self-sufficient so at the end of the day, the only thing I will want from anyone would be to love and accept me for who I am! For society, it is a very big ask because I am a female.
A female, no matter what her age is, wears armour the moment she gets out of her house. Sadly, sometimes she has to wear the same armour inside the house too. Today women are being vocal about their rights because they have started realizing their value and they have decided to put themselves before anything else.
In my opinion, It shouldn't be Hindu VS Muslim or White VS Black or India VS Pakistan rather it should be MEN vs WOMEN.
Mostly all religion treats women differently. Let's not just degrade Muslims because when it comes to women they aren't the only ones to suppress them. There are many communities that I am aware of that cut off a female's clitoris for no apparent good reason. People who do not know about that organ, let me educate you: That's the only part of the female body that has no functional use and its only work is to take pleasure while having sex (For more information go on Google). If you think of it, almost all religion is scared of women uplifting themselves that's why women are pushed back by rules, conditions and terms. What is it about women that men are so afraid of us that they try to control us?
The world without any biasness would be so beautiful. Ladies, I think we are treated differently only because we happen to have a gift of vag****. To say it bluntly, in a world of d**ks it is difficult for us to make a space we all have the same fights. This is something common between each one of us doesn't matter what your race, standard, education, religion, nationality, etc, is. We are together in this.
The next time someone tells you women have it easy just walk off because you don't want to dignify it with an answer. You keep fighting and be strong. With that thought, I will take your leave on a sunny and climatically confusing Friday with a smile on my face while sipping sparkling water from my favourite cup.
Don't forget You are amazing just the way you are, Honey!
The Queen of Random Thoughts
ReplyDeletevery well said and you are right, Upgrading one's mindset is far more important than upgrading your devices.