Oh! I hate being in the 30s!!!

Being in the 30s doesn't sound good to me. Not because I am getting older but because I don't like number 3 at all. However, strangely 3 is a lucky number for me for a long time. But let's not get into the details that aren't necessary. 

I am a 31-years old female who lives in a progressive city of India where society is still not cool about many things. Gosh! I hated my 30th birthday and could so relate to Rachel when she shut the door on the rest of the 5 (FRIENDS). But this isn't a sitcom and I cannot go back in time, all I can do is make the most of my 30s. 

I really thought being in the 30s would suck and I would hate every bit of it and that was mainly because I had to make a lifestyle change when I turned 30. Little did I know that it was all part of God's game to upgrade myself and my life. Yet, trust me I miss being in my 20s! However, when I look back I think my whole 20s were silly and I was so naive. When I turned 24 I used to think I was stupider at 22, when I turned 26 I used to think I was an idiot at 24, at 28 I thought, gosh! I was a drama at 26. And now I think my entire 20s were lame! It was still a hoot and a half!!

Every year something changes in me, usually, I can't really put my finger on it because those are minor things. But when I turn back and see I feel a lot has changed. I didn't even realize when did I become the person that I am today. Nevertheless, I am still a work in progress and I would always love to be that way because what is life without learning. There are a lot of things that I have to learn, a lot of people I have to meet and a lot of cuisines I have to try. 

Being in the 30s changed me drastically and I can evidently see the difference just in 2 years. My body cannot take alcohol as it used to before, but I don't get high that quick anymore. I have started eating healthy food. Home-made is my general pick, anything and everything that's made at home with love is my first choice. In fact, my choice in men has changed too, well, it's certainly an upgrade from what I used to date!

I was always comfortable in my own skin and didn't hesitate to be open about it. But the 30s have made me a little more confident and sexier which is adding more beauty to my hotness. The 30s does bring some seriousness about life that one cannot ignore. Even I couldn't! I love having a serious conversation from time to time to stimulate my brain cells. I am always curious to know something and I always have questions in my mind! (Typical Aquarius traits if you may say.) 

I have started paying more attention to comfort over good looks. A good conversation over a good bod (You know what I mean)! A call over a message! LinkedIn over Facebook & Instagram! And I wonder if I am the only one this way. But thankfully I am not! The 30s did bring me a few stable friends I can count on, maybe not all the time and in every matter, but I know they are there. 

Putting myself first is the best thing the 30s taught me. It's not called being selfish, it's called being clear with what you want (Not that I was the confused one, but I am clearer now). The 30s make you more aware of yourself and your surroundings. Basically, it makes you adult enough to take a travel trip alone, to make finical decisions of your own and you get settled with your personal life (In whatever way you like). 

It is easy to have an opinion and be vocal about it because of your experience. I guess the whole decade is just to show you the trailer of the rest of your life as it is the prime of your youth. So I guess it is my time to own my age and enjoy every bit of it. I have no idea what more surprises my 30s are going to bring but I am curious about them. Every day has become a new day to know something new about myself and fall in love with myself again and again and again!

Dear Reader! Do you feel the same way about the 30s? I will be waiting for your response! Until next time take care of yourself as the summer has started. And hope that we don't get to watch World War 3!! 

Spread Happiness, not hatred.  


The Queen of Random things
