The last one!

My Dearest reader!! 

Thank you so much for taking out time from your life to read my blogs! I am overwhelmed by the response I have got from all of you! You changed the way I used to think about my writing and you motivated me to write more and more!

I am delighted to end the year with calmness and acceptance. Cheers to all of you who were around me in some or another way. I promise you to bring great blogs ahead in the coming year.

Dear reader! Every new year is hope for us for a new beginning and fresh start. And I want to say You matter! Your existence is needed to make this world a better place.

We as humans have learned one thing hard way in the past year that life is unpredictable. We have feared for our lives and that’s something common between billions of us. It kept us strangely connected. Isn’t that something?

In the coming year, give yourself a new chance to be a better person because we don’t know what destiny has in the book for us. Let’s live life like we never did before. Forgive some and ask forgiveness from the rest. Be thankful to be alive after such a huge crisis.

The clock is ticking and in less than one hour the calendar is going to change and we are going to enter into a whole new year of light! 

Before ending, I just want to say,

Don’t underestimate yourself, please. 

You are beautiful,

You matter,

You are enough,


You are amazing just the way you are! 

Happy New Year! 

Hope the year brings better health to all.
